Tuesday, April 28, 2009

not so good at this solo parenting thing

I need to remember that Ladybug is like a bad fart, silent but deadly.

While I was up changing Sweeting's diaper, I left Ladybug in the family room. By the time I had come back downstairs, she had downed half a bottle of Hershey's syrup. I found her sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor nursing it like a baby bottle.

I went upstairs for a few minutes while I disciplined Porkchop and came downstairs to find Ladybug had made them pretty! meaning written all over herself and Sweeting with green permanent marker.

I went upstairs during Ladybug and Sweeting's naptime to throw in some laundry and found the nursery's door open. Ladybug was in Sweeting's crib and had covered them both in Post-it notes.


gem said...

LOL, you'll be fine once you master the art of bilocation!

Bridgett said...

Oh man. She seems like such a lovely little girl...

shaz said...

WOW! she's awesome! hahah.. i don't mean to laugh. be brave!

JLP said...

Am I laughing with you or at you? Hopefully the former. Hang in there.

valerie said...

LMAO (sorry!) - be sure to save these for her wedding day. ;)

Jenny said...

Ohhh...laughing till it hurts...

THIS is the good stuff, This IS the good stuff, This is the GOOD stuff.....Rinse and repeat.

Anonymous said...

Post it notes!! I laughed out loud

Mel said...

I demand photographs!