Monday, September 15, 2008

Finally, what I've been trying to tell everyone...

It's actually easier...


gem said...

couldn't agree more. I have "only" four but have always maintained the leap from none to one was the hardest, after that it gets easier and more fun. Remind me of this in a few years. At the moment I have only one teenager to deal with!

Anonymous said...

Interesting! I'll have to send it to my BIL with six kids. Not that they don't already know it (like you).

Bridgett said...

I love the idea of a big family. Mike and I are both eldests of 4; my dad is 3rd of 8, and his parents are each 2nd of 5 & 6. My mother, first of only 2, doesn't have the adult family to lean on the same way.

When we got married, we wanted 4 or 5--alas, this number 3 will be our last. But as mysterious burdens go, it is a light one.

Cakes said...

Bridgett~I know. I debated posting this here because I have a lot of readers who went through infertility with me and I know their family size is not limited by choice.

wayfarer said...

I would LOVE to have a huge family. I grew up without much family and i never really saw myself with a family. Now i wish i had started younger (i started at 32) so i could have ten. I'm still going to try to have three but what i wouldn't give for 5 or more. Such joy in big families. Yes there's more fighting but there's a whole lot more loving and learning too.