Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Kids and Chores

In my house, chores are applied for and awarded according to experience and age. We have a bulletin board with a 4X6 picture of each member of the family. Next to each picture is the card for the Daily Job and the Weekly Job that has been selected
by that family member. I keep an index card box filled with Help Wanted cards.

Each Help Wanted card includes detailed instructions on how each job should be done. We have plenty of age appropriate jobs from Fish Feeder to Car Washer.
Lots of Kids has an awesome article on age appropriate chores. (My kids do a lot of the older kid stuff like folding and putting away their own laundry. They've been making their own beds since turning 4. They load and unload the dishwasher etc)

Daily Chores are done at the appropriate time of day. (Table setter at lunch and dinner. Librarian, who shelves books at bedtime) Weekly Chores are done on Saturday or whenever worker and I agree upon. I also emphasize that all materials used for job must be returned to proper place. I find the detailed instructions to be critical to getting the job done correctly and thoroughly and without need for parental nagging.

Here are some examples of my Help Wanted cards. Unfortunately, I used a Greeting Card program to make these. If I can get them into Word, I'll make the file available.
(My Dog Feeder card has not been updated.)

Now, these jobs are in addition to their regular daily routine of making beds, cleaning up after themselves etc.


gem said...

That is seriously impressive. My kids are also good around the house and all keep their own rooms tidy, set and clear the table, feed animals, clean out cat litter etc. The older ones also cut the grass and power hose the patio. What I am not good for is a routine for the jobs that are not daily and so these regularly get put on the "long finger". Maybe I will start a better system when we get going in a routine after the holidays in September

Niki said...

Yes, inspiring. I need to implement more of these ideas in my own home, with my 5 and 3 year old. Once we are settled in the new house, this will be one of my goals.

Jenny said...

This is such a brilliant idea. I think I am going to try this too.

Anonymous said...

I love this. I hope you don't mind if I make reference to this at some poing on my blog. I write for an organizing site and love to find neat mom tips like this.

Anonymous said...

this is a fabulous idea. i will have to use this in my future classroom (obviously it will be different chores, but yours are very inspiring/impressive)