Tuesday, July 15, 2008




gem said...

I did my best! I gather your keyboard is giving trouble. Thats a shame I miss your writing and your comments. Glad all is well otherwise!
P.S. that dog is so cute, not to mention the children.

Anonymous said...

so your keyboard is acting up and the spacebar is not working but this will be the third keyboard this year? STUPID! i think i got that right. Awhhh I miss you and your posts. It sucks that another one is broken, i had spending money on things that dont hold up!

Cakes said...


Monkey Giggles said...

My guess is your keyboard is broke.

Anonymous said...

you're cute!

hope all is well - always thinking of you.

Jenni said...

How scary is it that I could understand that?

Anonymous said...

And here I thought you had a speech impediment. Is boy cat trying to shag girl cat? Mine is and girl cat gets very cross. They are brother and sister so the Jerry Springer of cats in fact. What to do?

Elizabeth said...

Goodness - It's scary that I was able to read that. How are you otherwise?


Niki said...

Miss you!

Jenny said...

Now this is silly.
I was lying in bed last night trying to remember this post (I read it on the weekend), and was trying to deciper it.