Thursday, May 15, 2008

The lowest of the low?

Can you look at the beauty of these and the detail and color that was put into each little sea slug, and tell me God doesn't take the same love and interest in us? Forget the lilies of the field, look to these lowly creatures at the bottom of the sea.

Complete photo series here.


gem said...

I am displaying my ignorance here but I had no idea that creatures like that existed in real life. You are so right, there is so much beauty in Nature, it could never have happened by accident

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Every time I go snorkeling, I fall in love with Him all over again.
That guy who made that, loves ME. He is on my side. My dad is GOD, how cool is that!!!
PS, glad u back.

Jenny said...

They are incredible!

Anonymous said...

those are very cool - but imagine finding one in your bathtub...

Melanie said...


Anonymous said...

Wow.......that is such a nice thought/belief to have :)