Monday, January 07, 2008


Ugh! Sorry, I'm late today. I have a lot on my plate this week. I'm trying to help start up a school and a brand new church start up and get ready for school and.... I'm not usually so busy. I try to limit all of the big projects I involve myself in, But I really believe in all of these so it's going to be a hectic couple of months.

On the plus side, it has been 65+ degrees outside.


Anonymous said...

cute... for a moment there i was like "who is fiona?" hehe beautiful name.

Misty said...

Awe! i am so jealous of your weather!

Cakes said...

I know. I keep slipping up in my videos! LOL!

gem said...

I am also jealous of your weather, my video for peek in monday this week was taken on New Years Day and it was so windy and cold. We operate in Celcius in our part of the world so it was about 3 degrees, ? about 36 farenheight. I'm sticking my nose in here but be careful not to overstretch yourself if you are considering taking on the degree also. I know so well how hard it is to say no to getting involoved with really good projects but I have been burnt at home when I have taken on too much, OK, butting out now!

Anonymous said...

Love it! I am sad. We hate that great warm weather also, but i am working day shift this week so wasn't able to play out in it with the kids. But they had a nice reprive from our snowy winter. Here are the kids playing in Alligator's room while we were doing some post x-mas cleaning.