Sunday, July 29, 2007

There it goes...time flying by

So, the very observant among you might have noticed that over on my sidebar, Meatball and Jellybean's age has changed. (those who noticed can email and collect your prize) That's right. We had a birthday this week. 5 years old is a big birthday psychologically, at least for me. 5 is...well, 5. I mean, it's school age isn't it? On the one hand, it's so amazing to watch them as they become more and more themselves. But on the other, of course is the growing up. the growing away.

The older I get, the faster I get older.

But, this job of motherhood...I'm good at it. I don't mean that in an arrogant kind of way. I mean it the way anyone means it when they talk about what they do and what they really feel called to. Sure, I have good days and bad days. relaxing days and overwhelming days. days when I feel like Mom-of-the-Year and days when I hope Department of Family Services doesn't come by. I have spent days snuggling my kids and days spent yelling at them. But at the end of all those days, I thank God for my life, for my family, and for the strength I get from my faith.

and dammit. It's just fun.


shaz said...

aww, beautiful Cakes!

happy birthday kiddies!!! :)

Melanie said...

Happy belated birthday, Meatball and Jellybean!

Mel said...

You are very lucky to have these 5 gorgeous blondies and they are so lucky to have such an awesome mom as well. I also think I am a pretty good mom. Good luck with Skater boy and his schooling, remember God loves him even more than you do!

Anonymous said...

Ok seriously how is it possible you have 5 such cute kids! The baby pic of the twins just brings back such sweet memories of my 2. How were they EVER soo little?

Jenni said...

What a pair, those two...they look as fivish as five can be!