Thursday, November 12, 2009

Cakes's and Chowder's Two Week Wait...

Well, the boys are in and if any of them have survived the wrath of Cakes, they are waiting at the door for the girls to make an appearance. Hopefully one of each will get together and then snuggle in for the next nine months. I have to say though, I'm not feeling particularly optimistic. I have shown no signs of fertility in awhile. But! We wait.

Chowder and the other church have emailed questions back and forth to each other and they are down to two candidates, Chowder being one of them. The church has a lot going on for the next few weeks so they told him that he would hear from them again in two weeks. That was five days ago. It's been odd watching him go through the same things I have during a cycle. Convinced that yes! These are all signs that he is indeed getting the job and then no! these are all the reasons that they have picked someone else. Poor dude. Can't stop obsessing. I wish he could just pee on something and get it over with!

We are a bit frustrated because we would have like to have known by Thanksgiving. Then if we are moving we could have done it at the end of the year, between the kids' semesters. It's not looking like we will have that kind of time. But! we wait.


Katie said...

Sending nothing but positive thoughts your way.

Nadia said...

Here's hoping for a perfect match made in the womb!

Bridgett said...

No signs of fertility but you're trying. I am so confused.

Cakes said...

I don't get pregnant like regular people get pregnant.

Bridgett said...

Sure. I remember. I'm not that aware of how it goes, hence my confusion--I always figured "signs of fertility" would have to be present nonetheless...good luck though, you wonderful crazy lady! I have reached my point of incompetency with three!