Thursday, September 04, 2008

My day...

"Today my age is Tweedle and Twee
I'm prettier than I used to be..."

My birthday "cake" today consisted of 3 and 7 Wonder Apples with a candle in the middle.
Yay me!

(oh, I would have included a picture but, my oldest daughter broke yet another one of my cameras. So, all my birthday gifts are being returned so I can pool the money together and get a new camera before Sweeting is born)


Niki said...

Happy Birthday, Miss Cakes! :)

Mel said...

Happy Haps! So sorry bout the cam though...hope your returned stash gives you the cash you need to replace it!

gem said...

have a wonderful birthday. hope we don't have to wait to long for more photos of your family. I am so nosy, I love them. I will persist with Peek-in-Mondays anyway, probably on Tuesdays!

Bridgett said...

Hey--I can give you a slightly older digital camera if you'd like. Seriously. I never use it--we left it in a rental car in California and bought the one I use now. They mailed it to us--it beat us home. It has one quirk--I have to tape the battery compartment closed. Otherwise it works fine. Uses compact flash cards (is that what they're called? about an inch square?) and I have an extra of those you can have, too. It's in my car with me when I see you, if you'd like it.

Anonymous said...

sorry about the camera (mine is broken, too), but happy happy birthday! I hope you shared your "cake". ;)

Julie said...

Happy Birthday. The cake sounds yummy!!!!!

PastormacsAnn said...

Happy happy birthday Cakes! Hope that it was a wonderful one.

(sorry about your camera!)

Anonymous said...

Hope the day was extra groovy!

Melanie said...

Happy belated birthday! I'm sure it was wonderful with all those apples! :)

shaz said...

i hope you had a wonderful day cakes!!