Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Forget that last post...

My water broke this morning.
I haven't started labor yet so I took the kids to school and I'm having my breakfast.


Mel said...

VERY exciting, I will be obsessively checking this blog every few hours so will be expecting the birth announcement ASAP!

Elizabeth said...

Oh - how exciting!!! Wishing you an easy delivery :)


Elizabeth said...

Oh - how exciting!!! Wishing you an easy delivery :)


gem said...

very exciting! hope all goes really well, can't wait to hear, and looking forward to a photo!

Ashley said...

Fantastic! Can't wait to read the great news....hopefully all goes well and quickly!

Anonymous said...

Alright! How soon can you be up and back to the keyboard to let us know? Praying everything goes well.

Mel said...

Me again, la la laaaah, drumming my fingers waiting....

Anonymous said...

Oh seeing this just made my day! Good luck on a fast and safe and healthy delivery. I can't wait to hear all about sweeting!

Anonymous said...

me again, too, waiting, waiting, waiting....

Anonymous said...

that me - is molly - so you don't think some freak is waiting for your baby to come! LOL

Anonymous said...

that me - is molly - so you don't think some freak is waiting for your baby to come! LOL

PastormacsAnn said...

Yay! She's coming! Yay!

Will be praying Cakes. Can't wait to hear the news!

Niki said...

Yay! Can't wait to hear the good news and see some pictures! Praying with you!

Julie said...

Oh my goodness, hope you are holding your beautiful little girl right now. Can't wait to hear.


Anonymous said...

Eleanor and I will add you to our prayers. I'm so glad I had insomnia tonight and was surfing around. Best wishes for your whole family.

Coral said...

Good luck, I can't wait for photos!

Mel said...

Oh hurry up already, I have been pacing the hall for hours and have smoked 5 cigars!

PastormacsAnn said...

On pins and needles waiting to hear!

Jenni said...

Bleurgh!! I missed this post! And still no update???? Oy! Praying for good news soon...

gem said...

still on tenderhooks here, hope all is well, after all 5, or even hopefully 6, children is no excuse for not keeping us up to date!!