Saturday, August 30, 2008

Coma free...

Well, I was hoping to be in a caramel and pecan induced sugar coma by now, but alas I am being thwarted. You cannot know the pain I am in right now. They are two weeks behind schedule. two weeks! The apples apparently did not meet the confectioner's standards and they were searching out new apples. Supposedly a shipment was coming in tonight. Supposedly I will be in a coma by Monday.

I need to have a good cry.


Anonymous said...

Oh no Cakes, don't they know not to mess with a pg women and her cravings! I hope they come in and you enjoy your coma, they sounds absolutly DELICOUS, i am Jealous.We LOVE LOVE apples at this house and can NOT wait to go apple picking.( oh and thanks for that pic of your pretty baby+belly+baby .

Veronica said...

I hope that doesn't meant the apples won't be a divine crop this year... I NEED some good Granny Smiths and I'm not even pregnant so I know you must be dyin' ovah there!

PastormacsAnn said...

Hope that you're munching on your goodies very soon.