Sunday, June 15, 2008

Indulge me...

These are some of my favorite pictures of my favorite daddy. Is it any wonder my life is so much fun? It's not because of me I can guarantee that. He is such a wonderful balance to me. Look at this guy! *sigh* My kids are so damn lucky.


gem said...

what a great collection of photos. I was commenting a few weeks ago on how well we did picking husbands. What I didn't really think about at all at the time with the innocence of youth, was that we were also picking the father of our children. Seems fairly obvious doesn't it. I could never have picked a more loving and fun father for my children either.

Kristi said...

Those are beautiful pictures, you have so many great shots of him with the kids! I think I'll go look for some of my own, and do the same thing on my blog. :-) I just love seeing my man being a tender father to his children, it's a beautiful thing. Happy Father's Day!!

Jenni said...

Freakin' adorable.

ccap said...

Those are great! I especially love the tent one.

Anonymous said...

beautiful tribute to his love and yours.

shaz said...

awww, i really like chowder! :)