Saturday, December 01, 2007


We've had a rough round of illness hit the Cakes house. I haven't had a night of more than 4 hours of sleep in three days. Hoping things go more smoothly tonight.

On a happier note...

apparently she needs her finger in her nose for balance.


Anonymous said...

Well done Ladybug! Actually new name is Ladybooger.
Ha ha ha, hilarious aren't I!

Anonymous said...

Too cute. *sigh* why can';t they stay babies longer? glad you are over the sickies, they were here 2 weeks ago for us and it was horrible

Melanie said...

WTG, Ladybug! LOL about the finger in the nose. Maybe that's what my DS needs to do in order to start walking more than a couple of steps!

Anonymous said...

Yay, Ladybug! What a cutie. :)

shaz said...
