Monday, November 12, 2007

The first step is admitting you have a problem...

Ladybug refuses to walk.
I mean refuses.
I'm not worried about developmental delays or whether she is on target with her milestones. She clearly is fine. I've had "late" walkers. The twins walked at 14 mos. Skaterboy and Porkchop both walked at 9 mos. I know the whole normal range etc. etc.

That is not the issue here. This is out and out refusal. She has been crawling since 6 mos. That is 8 full months of crawling! She will crawl into the middle of the floor and stand up and look right at me and smile and I'll coo, "C'mere darling! Walk to Mommy." and she'll squeal a little and look like she's about to take a step and then she'll drop to her butt and give me this little smirk that can only mean, "Psyche!"

Don't get me wrong. I understand. She is the fastest crawler I have ever seen. Honestly. She can really book. Walking would be a major slow down for her. And slowing down in this house can be...well, dangerous for a little girl. or kitten. But, I just hope she walks before high school or she could develop a reputation very quickly.


Misty said...

one day she will pick up and run, leaving you in complete shock!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

there's a girl who knows her own mind (love the new pic, btw). I'm impressed that she can stand, though - both of mine were walking at least a month before learning to stand without help!

Anonymous said...

My dd didnt start to walk until ALMOST 16 months. She just had no desire. She could chase the twins crawling, or ppl would give her what she wanted. BUT once she decided to finally walk. WOAH, i miss her crawling days, but watching her waddle after her brothers is priceless. Don't worry, you will get there soo enough.

Anonymous said...

Kate also walked at 16 months, at least you have your baby for longer!