Monday, March 05, 2007

Charity of the Month: March

I don't normally give to political or lobbying groups. ok. never. For my non-American friends, lobbying may be becoming the bane of our democracy. But, this cause is different. It is not lobbying on behalf of corporations, or institutions, or private interests. It is lobbying on behalf of hundreds of thousands people who can't seem to get anyone to help them. Save Darfur is trying to get the world to intervene.

I know this may not sit well with some people's politics, and to that I offer up an alternative. Here are a list of other charities working in the Darfur region of Sudan.

again, if you have charity suggestions you can email me or list them in the comments. You can also look at past charities that we have chosen as a part of our New Year's Resolution, under the heading A Matter of Charity.