Saturday, November 24, 2007

Peek-In-Monday practice...

Ok. I wanted to make sure I could actually get this to work. And yay! I did. Here is what I had in mind. This first clip is Chowder and Ladybug dancing in the kitchen while I finished up dinner.

This second clip is Porkchop. I came upon him singing the same refrain over and over in the living room. This is what my entire day is filled with. Could be filled with worse, doncha think?

So you're all ready for Monday, right?


Anonymous said...

Ah yes...the song refrain sung over and over...or the "hilarious" joke said over and over...or the single word repeated over and over...or the line from the movie repeated over and over...

I've got one with tourettes, so I know exactly where you're coming from. LOL!

Daddy dancing with ladybug was quite adorable, although I felt a little nauseated after all that bouncing and spinning...

Misty said...

So cute...
and I am impressed. I can not ever get video to work.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the dancing one -- especially the big finish. This is such a cute idea!


Niki said...

How cute it that! Love the video clips! Porkchop is darn adorable! Just want to squeeze him!